Access Control for
Religious Institutions

"A welcoming environment does not mean a defenseless one.""

*US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Mitigating Attacks on Houses of Worship Security Guide


Faith Institutions Serve Our Communities

Faith-based institutions have seen an increase in malicious activity from trespassing, vandalism and even armed attacks. Protecting sanctuaries starts with good access control and video surveillance to deter unwanted behavior.

Providing a safe and healthy environment for children as they learn and play is essential. Faith-based schools need to control who is on campus to ensure appropriate access and activate lockdown in case of a security incident.

Serving the community is a core function for many faith-based organizations. Community centers serve as a central gathering place and need a modern, convenient and secure access approach.

Request a demo of the Brivo platform and speak with a security expert about your security needs

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No More Keys to the Kingdom

"No more trips to the church to unlock a door for a meeting—just a couple of clicks on my home computer does it"

Brian Barrett | Church Operations Manager


Our mission is to protect lives, assets and facilities with the best products and services